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What No Home Buyer Wants to See on Your Property

Cluttered room

Selling a home can be quite a tricky process. You need to do everything you can to make your home appealing to the current market. Here are some things that you are definitely going to want to avoid if you want to get the best price that you can.

Over-Personalized Spaces

During an open house, the people who are taking a look around the property are going to want to be able to envision themselves living there. That can be hard to do if the room they are looking at is, say, bright pink and covered with butterfly-related décor. Or if the walls are painted with repeating triangles of primary colors.

While none of your rooms may have anything that extreme, you should work to make sure that every space is depersonalized as much as possible. That means spaces that are generic but beautiful. Tasteful and subtle plants, wall hangings, and whatnot are fine – but make sure the colors of any and all walls and fixtures are neutral and appealing.


Along with depersonalization, it’s important to make sure that you declutter everything. People will automatically be turned off if they see trash in any space. Even if they just see miscellaneous belongings sitting out on a counter, that can subconsciously be unappealing – even if they like the house.

Cleaning up garbage in your yard will make your home more attractive as well. Make sure every conceivable space has been cleaned and re-cleaned before the open house. Make sure that all personal items are out of sight, neatly organized, or gone entirely.

A Need for Repairs

One of the first steps you should take when getting your home ready for potential buyers is maintenance. An inspector can be a great help with this – not only will they check and make sure you’re not missing anything important when it comes to home safety, but they’ll be able to point out issues you can take care of yourself. Make sure everything is clean and working. This includes utility systems like electricity, plumbing, and HVAC. Keep an eye out for tiny cosmetic damages that people passing through could notice – cracks on a bathroom sink, chipped paint on a wall, etc.

Often, people will make decisions based largely on their gut instinct. This even applies to big financial decisions like buying a home, where people try to be very careful. That’s why first impressions and aesthetics can be so important when it comes to preparing to sell your home.

Did you enjoy reading this article? Here’s more to read: Situations That Make Selling As-Is a Challenge

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