Gordy Marks

More Ways to Keep Your Home Environmentally Friendly

With the state that the Earth is currently in, there is a lot we can do for the environment to avoid further detrimental climate change. Being environmentally friendly requires a holistic approach that touches on energy, water, consumption and all the other facets. One of the easiest ways to help our planet Earth is to get educated and hopefully implement some simple things you learn into the place we spend most of our time: our home.

(image from CleanItSupply)

Here is a start to your research and some ideas for limiting your home’s carbon footprint:

Go Blue

A major negative impact of climate change is on our oceans. Water is the life blood of this planet, so it is vital to stay on top of its health! The easiest way to conserve water is to limit your use by taking shorter showers and watering your landscape less — if you live in the rainy Puget Sound like us, that shouldn’t be a problem at all! Also, make sure you turn off your sink when you’re brushing your teeth or just simply don’t need to use the water in that moment. You can also check for leaks in any pipes to ensure there is absolutely no water going to waste. Lastly, think about installing a low-flow shower head, which have been shown to save up to 160,000 liters of water for a family of four — that’s a lot!

A Bright Idea

Not only do energy efficient light bulbs last much longer, but they also shine brighter and will thus leave your home beaming! Energy saving light bulbs can last up to 12 times longer than regular bulbs and can live a whopping 11 years. So, how many Seattleites does it take to change a light bulb? Well, in this case, none because they last so darn long! Energy efficient lighting can also save you up to $50 a year, which if you do the math ($50 a year X 11 years) totals up to nearly $600 total. Just from a light bulb… woah. Lastly, these bulbs can save over 250 lbs of carbon dioxide a year. These numbers may seem small in respect to the overall climate change problem, but every little piece helps.

(image from ESI Africa)

Sunny Days Ahead

Solar panels are getting more and more popular by the day. These are a long-term investment, but they generate a ton of electricity, sometimes even enough for you to donate surplus to your surrounding community. The price of solar panels has dropped by 70% over the last decade. And in addition to the price savings you will generate over the years, the government will also award you a tax credit equal to 30% of the total cost of your system. Look at all that money the sun is saving you!

Buy Smart

There are so many harmful chemicals out and about that it’s honestly getting difficult to keep track of. Whether it’s consuming a ton of plastic and harmful materials or it’s washing toxins down the drain, our choice to support unfriendly products through purchase is more impactful than we realize. For example, natural cleaning products are just as effective as the more common caustic chemicals, but they do not harm our waters. Harmful cleaning products not only wash down our drains and damage the marine environment, but they also make our surfaces dangerous to eat off of! You and your children should not be exposed to chemicals like Phthalates, Perchloroethylene or Triclosan, which are just a couple of the malicious ingredients. (Tip: if a product says “fragranced,” it most likely has Phthalates in it). Spending the time looking into healthy brands could save you and our Earth. Another easy way to do some good at the grocery store is to make sure you buy recycled products. Check the label for products spanning from bath tissue to kitchen rolls, because buying recycled products is hugely important for completing the recycle process and thus helping our home’s home.

(image from CleanItSupply)

Hopefully with these tricks in mind you’ll have the right information and footing to make some sustainable moves in your home. Feeling even more motivated?! Research more tips & tricks and comment below for others’ convenience. Here are some great links to get started:



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